Happy Chair Treatment (Emsella for Men) Incontinence & Sexual Health
Revolutionary Treatment for Incontinence & Intimate Health (Men)
Treat Urinary Incontinence | Pelvic Floor Strengthening Treatment | Intimate Health Improvement
The Innovative & Non-invasive Solution for Incontinence & Men Intimate Health
Incontinence can be a real issue for men of all ages and can have a devastating effect on their daily lives. The Emsella Chair can help men to strengthen their pelvic floor muscles and help them reclaim a more comfortable and satisfying quality of life by improving incontinence. Don’t go on suffering from Bladder Leakage or Erectile Dysfunction post Prostatectomy.
Whether you may have had a prostatectomy due to an enlarged prostate or cancer, you no longer need to suffer with losing urine or diminished bladder control with the Emsella Chair. Post-operatively, Emsella is a great way to lessen leakage and give you back control and confidence.
Say NO to Incontinence! 11,000 Kegels in 28 mins!
Emsella is a breakthrough treatment that is completely non-invasive, suitable for men of any age who desire solution for urinary incontinence and improvement in their quality of life.
Emsella utilizes High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic technology (HIFEM) to cause deep pelvic floor muscles stimulation and restoration of the neuromuscular control. A single Emsella session brings thousands of supramaximal pelvic floor muscle contractions, which are extremely important in muscle re-education of incontinent patients.
Infections, Prostate Cancer or Stress Have A Negative Impact On Your Intimate Health.
Why Emsella Treatment is clinically effective for Men’s Intimate Health?
For both men and women an orgasm will produce rapid muscle contractions of primarily the superficial pelvic floor muscles. You can easily achieve 11,000 Kegels with just a single 28 minutes Emsella treatment. Emsella treatment is clinically proven for pelvic floor muscle re-education. Erectile Dysfunction can be a result of an underlying condition such as a weak pelvic floor or nerve damage. Hypertrophy of the pelvic muscles leads to a block of the outflow of blood. Once these muscles are strengthened using the Emsella Chair, better erections may follow.
Why train pelvic floor muscle?
Apart from the support of the pelvic floor organs, control of continence, pelvic floor muscles play a crucial role in adequate genital arousal and attainment of orgasm. Their weakness or deconditioning provide insufficient activity necessary for blood flow, and therefore inhibit orgasmic potential.
Treatment at a glance
Who is suitable for this treatment?
Emsella is a great option for men of any age who desire solution for urinary incontinence and improvement in their quality of life.
What does the procedure feel like? Is it painful?
You will experience tingling and pelvic floor muscles contractions during the procedure. You may resume daily activities immediately after the treatment.
How fast will I see results?
You may observe improvement after a single session. The results will typically continue to improve over the next few weeks. A treatment plan will be tailor based on your conditions. A typical treatment takes about 28 minutes and you will need 6 sessions, scheduled twice a week.